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MGMT 192

Library Class

Information-related learning outcomes for MGMT 192 and beyond:

  • Define nature and extent of the information needed
  • Access information effectively and efficiently
  • Evaluate information and its sources critically; Incorporate selected information into your knowledge base
  • Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
  • Understand economic, legal, and social issues related to the use of information; access and use information ethically and legally


...“the age of competing on price is coming to an end and, in the future, goods and services will have to compete based on how smart they are.”  If this is indeed to be the case, then clearly managers and management practices will have to adapt.  Using the concepts and material you have studied in MGMT 192 explain why and how this change will come about. Put another way, within the context of MGMT 192 concepts, what will the workplace of the future look like?
This assignment asks you to reflect upon the above statement and to discuss it in light of what you have learned in MGMT 192 (Chapters 1 -7, 10 - 15).  Your discussion should be in the form of an academically sound paper; one that links studied MGMT 192 concepts to your arguments.  Additionally, you must include references to at least 2 peer reviewed journal articles in your work.  These articles must be available through VIU’s Library databases, please include the articles’ URLs in your bibliography...


Example: motivating knowledge workers

Key words & concepts? Consider:

  • broader...
  • narrower...
  • related...

Field guide to articles

(...what's an article? A journal? Example.)

  Academic article Popular article Trade / Industry article
Author expert in subject / discipline
often affiliated with a university or research centre
often a journalist or staff writer often a staff writer or practitioner
Length lengthy (10-30 pages) usually short, up to 10 pages usually short, up to 10 pages
Audience for readers who work / study in the same discipline or field for general readership for practitioner / industry audience
Content specialized language / vocabulary
reports outcomes of original scholarship / research
topical or general content
may refer to other people's research
topical content
may refer to other people's research
may use technical language
Illustrations often includes data tables, graphs, charts
visual material elaborates what is discussed in the text
production quality may be high (glossy, white space)
often contains photos, ads
production quality may be high (glossy, white space)
often contains photos, ads
References yes, including in-text citations, or foot / endnotes, as well as reference list or bibliography no
may suggest further reading
may suggest further reading
Publisher often a university, or professional or scholarly association trade publishers, news & media companies industry associations
Distribution available by subscription or open access online, membership in scholarly societies often available at newsstands
popular subscriptions
available in all types of libraries
personal or organizational subscription, or by membership
Examples Canadian Literature
Sloan Management Review
Macleans Restaurant Business




Vanthournout, G., Noyens, D., Gijbels, D., & Van den Bossche, P. (2014). The relationship between workplace climate, motivation and learning approaches for knowledge workers. Vocations and learning, 7(2), 191-214.

The In Crowd. (2009). PM Network, 23(6), 18-19.

LibrarySearch & other databases:

  • look for limiters > e.g. content type = scholarly / peer review

Specialized databases may offer specialized limiters, for example:

  • Business Source Complete: Business Searching Interface > publication type = case study

Check bibliographies / reference lists of useful articles or books to trace their sources.

Check Google Scholar to see if a useful book or article has been cited by others, writing more recently.

Library > find > Google Scholar (VIU access)

Google Scholar Search

Finding a "known item" - you may start with a complete citation, but often you may have a partial one or a fragment.

What are these and where would you look for them?

  1. Schmidt, G. (2015). Fifty days an MTurk worker: The social and motivational context for Amazon mechanical turk workers. Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, 8(2), 165-U225. doi:10.1017/iop.2015.20
  2. Ellet, W. (2007). The case study handbook: How to read, discuss, and write persuasively about cases. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.
  3. Kyndt (2012). Approaches to learning at work: investigating work motivation, perceived workload, and choice independence.


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